Research Activities

The research activities of the Modena ELLIS Unit are foundational and applied multidisciplinary research in Machine/Deep Learning and Computer Vision, divided into 6 areas:

  1. Foundational Topics In Machine Learning And Computer Vision
  2. Human Behavior Understanding
  3. Health And Medicine
  4. Industrial AI
  5. Media And Cultural Heritage
  6. High-Performance Computing


  • Supporting outstanding Research in ML and CV at European Level: our activity, although funded also by industrial projects, has always foundational research goals and the scope to be published in top venues. ELLIS collaborations in similar topics will be benefiting for all ELLIS Units, e.g. by creating large European datasets, or simulation platforms, and co-designing solutions for open problems. In Modena we are creating a new infrastructure for research in AI and Vision, with high multidisciplinary activity, capable to host guest scientists and to support curiosity-driven research. Also, Firenze is available to host researchers, and the CINECA infrastructure in Bologna too.
  • Improving the impact of industrial research in ML and CV, for supporting existing industries and creating start-ups. UNIMORE is connected with Italian industrial Associations, is a member of the Competence Center B-Rex for industry 4.0, is creating joint labs with international industries. Our mission as ELLIS unit is to put in common these opportunities with other EU labs, coworking in new EU projects. We will share opportunities of the Modena AI Academy for connecting the research of tomorrow with the request of today of industries, with a very high response of local industries and startups.
  • Creating very high qualified AI and ML schools for new European talents: we will put in common with ELLIS units the current initiatives such as new Master degree on AI Engineering, the Ph.D. International programs and the Advanced Schools in AI of E-R. The intention is to open for short and long visits and talent exchanges, hosting them in Modena and in other E-R Facilities such as the new E-R “Foundation for Big Data and AI for Human Development”, available to co-fund research exchanges. The CINECA Supercomputing Center, partner of the Unit, will contribute by hosting researchers in their labs too and in the highly qualified schools they organize.